Good Sunday to you...
Heidi and I got home today from a crazy 24 hours in NY's Finger Lakes region (Seneca Lake to be exact.) I have to say it was a good time, and even hardcore wine fanatics like our merry group reached their limit.
The Seneca Lakes wineries run an event called "Deck the Halls". You purchase your ticket and choose a winery to begin at. You get a wreath made of dried grapevines, an ornament from the winery, and then a food and wine tasting. With the serious exception of the bus trips and party limos, this was fantastic. We tasted some amazing wines (Arcadian's Cafe Noir knocked my socks off and will get a blog post of it's own) had some pretty good food (folks, next year, don't all rush for some kinda' pumpkin loaf..please) and a really cool wreath.
Now to find some room in my cellar...