Thursday, June 4, 2009

2007 Oaked Zin

On Oct 25th of last year I posted that we were bottling about 15 gallons of wine. Some of that was the 2007 'Zinners are more Fun'. I put 1 gallon in my small oak barrel and figured I would get back to it in a month.

That didn't happen.

So here I am tonight, thirsty, looking to celebrate the occasion of having no occasion and I remembered the Zin. Pop the bung, turn the spigot, and pour a glass.

It has the same 'bite' that the Zinners has (I have to find a way around that), but it is so rich, almost thick on the tongue. The oak is there, but not to that 'wine-jerky' taste and mouthfeel that so many reds get. I also don't have the feeling that those kids on YouTube who try and eat spoonfuls of cinnamon have. It feels like a sweeter, thicker wine, and it definitely is not. This was fermented to no residual sugar, and wasn't primed at all before bottling.

I can't wait to get this is a bottle and share it. I'm thinking of crusty bread toasted and drizzled with olive oil, a slice of Parmesan or Locatelli cheese with a drop of thick balsamic. Yeah, that would be awesome with this wine.

Wow, it's been 8 months since I last bottled anything? No wonder there's no room in my cellar. I've got 34 gallons that will be a year old in Sept! I've got 5 gallons of blueberry ready to go in a bottle now.

Why am I blogging when I should be bottling?!?!?!


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