Monday, June 9, 2008

Miscellaneous Monday

Good evening everyone,

Not much going on wine-wise at the moment. Searching online for some good prices on a wine press. Getting a list of wineries that ship grapes here as well.

The 6 vines in the backyard have a ton of grapes on them already. Granted, they look like empty grape stems, but they will have grapes, someday. Will I make a backyard wine again this year? We'll see.

Had our first night on the deck of the season this weekend. Drank some Red Cat from Hazlitt's, and Banty Red from Bully Hill. I've spoken fondly of these before. It was a warm night, and anything drier would not have been enjoyable at all.

Mike Rowe is shaving a yak as I type this. Is he a genius or twisted in ways a team of Mental Health Professionals would be shocked at?

David Beckham bought Posh Spice a vineyard in Napa Valley as a birthday gift, and possibly to give her something to do. Heidi, if you're reading this...

There's a new poll up: White wines this time. Merlot was the clear winner of the last one.

Final note: Blogger's spell check says Merlot should be spelled Mer lot. What's Mer lot?

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