Monday, September 1, 2008

Tuesday Roundup

No coherent theme...just some updates.

The blueberry wine was at 1.125 brix this evening. Probably be straining it in the next 48 hours. I HAD to taste it...and it's going to be good.

Bought the wine press; it's really cool, if you're into that sort of thing. If you're not, it's a lot of metal and wood.

Had an acid problem with last year's Ruby Cab. Tested the wine (something I should have done with the 'must' or freshly pressed juice/wine) and the acid was a bit high. I adjusted 2 gallons, both fizzed up the second the calcium carbonate hit the wine. Vast improvement on the gallon that for 1 tsp, mild improvement on the gallon that got 1/2 tsp. I'll give both a few days and taste again.

Starting to get prices for grapes. It sucks...prices are up big time from last year. I'd love to see $30 a case...add that to the list of things I'd love, but ain't likely to happen.

Mike Rowe is shaving Bison. That has nothing to do with wine, but I'm in a stream of consciousness kinda' mood.

Happy Labor Day.


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