Sunday, September 20, 2009

2009 Gowden Winery Johannesberg Riesling

Got an unexpected, yet pleasant email today that the grapes were in a few hours early. That meant the crush could begin today!!!

The Riesling grapes were plump and ridiculously sweet. They tasted like candy, with bitter little seeds. Chucked them right in the press for what's called a 'cold press' and 2 hours later I had a 5 inch ring of pressed grapes and 7 gallons of juice.

Checked the sg: 1.100. The acid level is 6.1. I added 7 campden tablets to the must, along with Premier Grand Cuvee yeast and 2 nutrient tablets.

And now I wait.

The plan for tomorrow is to press the Gewurztraminer. The Pinot Noir was crushed today, and I'll talk about that in a few days, when there's something to write about.

Yeah, this weeks posts will be dry, I'm using it as a way to track my wines' progress, since I'm terrible at logging this stuff in a notebook.

See you tomorrow.

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